Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Movie Review: The Place Promised in Our Early Days(雲のむこう、約束の場所)Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoko no Basho

PG | 91 minutes | 2004 |  8/10

Here is the trailer:
(Also, currently if you press the snowflake button, snow starts falling and I think it actually really works with the video. So cool!)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Oldies/Black Butler

Manga Vol. 1 Jap. Cover
Hey so I used to run a blog called Anime Obsessed where I had planned to write fan fictions of my favorite animes. Unfortunately, that never worked out (because I soon learned that I suck at coming up with my own material, haha) and the blog turned into more of me talking about my sad obsession with anime. Actually, that makes sense, doesn't it? Anyways, a while ago I wrote a post on there about how I felt after I finished watching the anime Black Butler. I loved that anime so much and I was so very sad that it was over now. So, I thought I would share that post over here because I kind of liked it. It's an old one, so I am sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Well, here we go!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Apollo Strawberry Chocolate (アポロ)

Delicious ... strawberry/chocolatey ... goodness!
So if anyone took the time to watch the movie Nobody Knows (I wrote a review on it) you may have noticed a chocolate called "Apollo" chocolate. It was Yuki's favorite chocolate. Anyways, when I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but notice that she was dumping little pieces of chocolate into her hands and I thought to myself, what kind of chocolate comes in little pieces like that?!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Impression: Death Note, Blood +, Faster Than a Kiss

Hello, so I thought I would stop by and give you my impressions of the few anime and the manga that I am currently into. Just a few brief summaries of each.

Death Note(デスノート)- 37 episodes | 2006 | PG-14 | 4/10

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Anime Review: Princess Tutu (プリンセスチュチュ)

26 episodes | 2004 | PG-12?

Last night I finished watching the anime Princess Tutu and I felt it was worth reviewing. I began the series on Netflix a few months ago (during the summer, I think) and I don't know why it took me so long to finish. The show is only 26 episodes long! I think the reason why was because the show had a very slow start...

Currently Watching/Reading

So, like any other fan, I like to watch multiple anime at the same time... that doesn't sound right. I'm not sitting there with three computers simultaneously broadcasting three different animes. You get the picture.

Anyways, if any of you are interested I am posting a list of the anime that I am currently watching, (it will be located at the sidebar to the left ->) and so if any of you want me to do a review or first impression of one of the shows on the list, I will be more than happy to do so! Please just let me know by leaving a comment or contacting me. I obviously will be updating this as I finish shows and start others.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Movie Review: Nobody Knows (誰も知らない) Dare Mo Shiranai

PG-13 | 147 minutes | 2005 | 9/10

Here is a trailer in English, though I don't think it does a good job of showing the melancholy actually in the movie.

This one does a better job of showing what is really going on, though the quality isn't that great.

I just finished watching this movie and just felt like I absolutely had to review it.

First Impression: Tamayura たまゆら OVA

So today, I just watched the first episode of Tamayura, an Original Video Animation (OVA) about a girl named Fu Sawatari (沢渡 楓), a.k.a "Potte", who moves back to her deceased father's hometown to start high school. Potte loves photography and she goes around with her father's old camera taking pictures and trying to capture "tamayura" which means "children of the light" (if I'm correct). These are beautiful little light effects that show up sometimes when she takes pictures.

こんにちは! (Kon'nichiwa!) Hello!

Hello and welcome to my first post on my blog, Otaku J.

First off I would like to introduce myself. On this blog, I will refer to myself as "Otaku R" simply for privacy's sake. I am an avid fan of manga, anime, and anything to do with Japanese culture. Also, my favorite color is green and I love fruit. I wish to share some of my knowledge and opinions with you all out here in the internet world and I hope my readers will interact with me. My goal for this blog is to be a valuable resource for anyone who has an interest in manga, anime, and Japanese. I will post reviews of anime and manga after I have watched/read them and also impressions of them while I am currently involved.